Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My teacher made me do it.

Helllllllooooo worlddddd!! This is meeeee (kidding, thats Adele). Okay, so welcome to my blog. 
As the title of this post suggests, this was not my idea {and honestly, not something I thought Id ever do} but it was this or fold the mountain of kids' laundry sitting in my dryer so obviously I chose this because folding kids' laundry is a special kind of hell that no one warns you about when your opening all those adorable clothes at your baby shower and everyones 'oooh-ing' and 'ahhh-ing' and feeling good about giving you teeny tiny baby socks that disappear over night only to turn up 8 months later when no one can wear them anymore. 
Anyways. Im starting this blog because I signed up for a freelance writing class almost 2 years ago {I procrastinated a bit because I had another baby. Get used to it.} and step Number One is to start a blog because in the freelance writing world, you do not exist without a blog. I repeat. You do not exist. The ultimate goal is to get my writing out there and eventually start doing freelance pieces for websites and utilize my super expensive English degree I will be paying off until Im 57 or I hit it big on scratch offs. 
So, here it is. My blog-- Whine Thirty. Because Im turning 30 this year and I plan to whine about it. And because I love wine {and beer, and vodka, and...welp, lets just say Im not picky} and because most days Im staring at a clock waiting for wine {you might call it dinner} time when my husband walks through the door and I can word vomit my entire day to him in under 4 minutes because hes the first adult Ive seen all day.
Join me. Check back often. Subscribe. Share. Leave me comments so I know my Mom isnt the only one reading {love you Mom}. 
Smooches 


  1. This is GREAT! Can't wait to follow you! Your words are my life. Keep it up!

  2. Love this, and you! Keep it up mama xoxo Danielle

  3. Ahh so love this and you so much!!!! Can't want to see where your dream takes you. Get it! ♡♡♡♡

  4. Doesn't show my name,it's Molly 😚

  5. This is awesome! Good for you for using that English degree! I have one of those and work in automotive! Haha maybe one day I'll start writing like you! Good luck and have fun! Xoxox Jessica Pakulak

  6. Ahhhh love, love, love!!!! This & you are amazing Katy! xoxo Ashley

  7. Well this blog definitely made me laugh! Great job and I hope your dreams come true. I also hope you hit big on scratch offs!
    -Anita English

  8. Katie, your blog brought back memories of when my kids were little and made me laugh! I've always enjoyed your sense of humor and your kind heart...keep writing!! Love ya!!
    -Momma Pak

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Love it, can't stop reading. Thank you for your candid and honest stories, I am officially hooked.

  11. Loving this. Makes me stop and think. Very inspiring. Can't wait to read more.

  12. This is a great blog! Makes me feel like what I experience on daily basis as a SAHM is totally normal. Can't wait to read more Posts ��
